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Girls – Years 7 to 10 Summer

Boys – Years 7 to 10 Summer

• Short sleeved lemon blouse with piping.

• Skirt - Green/white/navy tartan, summer weight and of knee length.

• Bottle Green tab tie.

• Non-branded black leather fully enclosed lace-up formal school shoes (no black sneakers, ballet flats, or canvas shoes).

• White crew socks (no anklets).

• Green shirt with yellow line on cuffs and pocket.

• Navy dress shorts with black belt.

• Long navy school socks with yellow and green top band.

• Non-branded black leather fully enclosed lace-up formal school shoes (no black sneakers, ballet flats, or canvas shoes).

Girls – Years 11 to 12 Summer

Boys – Years 11 to 12 Summer

• Short sleeved white blouse with piping.

• Skirt - Green/white/navy tartan, summer weight and of appropriate length - skirts should be knee length when standing. • Non-branded black leather fully enclosed lace-up formal school shoes (no black sneakers, ballet flats, or canvas shoes).

• Plain green tie with College badge.

• Short sleeved white shirt with piping.

• Navy shorts with black belt.

• Plain green tie with College badge.

• Non-branded black leather fully enclosed lace-up formal school shoes (no black sneakers, ballet flats, or canvas shoes).

Girls – Years 7 to 10 Winter

Boys – Years 7 to 10 Winter

• Short sleeved lemon blouse with piping.

• Bottle green tab tie.

• Skirt - Green/gold tartan (calf length). (To be confirmed from 2024.)

• Non-branded black leather fully enclosed lace-up formal school shoes (no black sneakers, ballet flats, or canvas shoes).

• Black full length tights.

• Bottle green College jumper.

• Green/gold spray jacket with the College cloth badge.

• Plain bottle green or navy scarf (optional).

• Green shirt with yellow line on cuffs and pocket.

• Non-branded black leather fully enclosed lace-up formal school shoes (no black sneakers, ballet flats, or canvas shoes).

• Long navy school socks with yellow and green top band with shorts or dark socks with pants.

• Bottle green College jumper

• Green/gold spray jacket with the College cloth badge.

• Plain bottle green or navy scarf (optional).

Girls - Years 11 to 12 Winter

Boys - Years 11 to 12 Winter

• Short sleeve white blouse with piping.

• Skirt – Green/gold tartan (calf length) – subject to change in 2024 due to availability (TBC).

• Non-branded black leather fully enclosed lace-up formal school shoes (no black sneakers, ballet flats, or canvas shoes).

• Black full length tights.

• College blazer is to be worn to and from school, at weekly assemblies and at official functions.

• Bottle green College jumper.

• Plain green tie with College badge.

• Plain bottle green or navy scarf (optional).

• Short sleeved white shirt with piping.

• Navy Trousers with black belt.

• Plain green tie with College badge.

• College blazer is to be worn to and from school, at weekly assemblies and at official functions.

• Bottle green College jumper.

• Plain bottle green or navy scarf (optional).

• Non-branded black leather fully enclosed lace-up formal school shoes (no black sneakers, ballet flats, or canvas shoes).


College Sports Uniform – all year levels. Worn on a Wednesday and during HPE classes

• College sports shirt.

• College sports shorts.

• College sports socks.

• Joggers/sneakers (not canvas).

• College Hat.

• College jacket or College jumper.

• Plain Navy Tracksuit pants unobtrusive logos but no stripes or College tracksuit pants from 2023.

• Some sports and/or subjects may require specialised equipment or clothing.

• House colours or theme appropriate outfits may be worn at Intra-School House events – as long as they align with the Sunsafe policy.


• Hair should be clean, neat, and tidy at all times.

• Hair is to be tied up if touching collar or face using navy, bottle green or gold hair accessories.

• Conservative hairstyle of even, natural colour.

• No extreme hairstyles as deemed by the College Executive Leadership team; including no shorter than a no. 2 blade, undercuts, tracks, tails, mullets, dreadlocks, shaven sides etc.


• Plain watch.

• Necklace with a religious crucifix.

• One pair of discreet (5mm) or less studs or sleepers in earlobe.

• Permission to utilise clear studs must be sought from the College Executive Leadership team and Pastoral Academic Leader.

• Facial piercings and tattoos are not permitted.


• Minimal use of cosmetics.

• No coloured or painted nails, length to be kept short.

SENIOR JERSEY: The senior jersey is an optional uniform item for Year 12 students. The senior jersey can be worn with the Summer and Winter formal uniform but should not be worn under the College blazer to and from school or at formal College occasions such as assemblies and masses etc.

HATS: The College shade hat must be worn at both morning recess and lunchtime, the times of peak U.V. radiation. As well, students involved in activities outdoors during school time and at sports training after school must wear the College hat. This includes Health & Physical Education classes. All hats are embroidered with the student’s name. Please note surnames will be used for embroidering. Initials will be added for students with the same surnames. Hats should be stored in the student’s locker.

The College Uniform is available from Coorey’s Drapery and Lowes Warwick. The College Uniform Shop (located at Reception) sells the following items: sport shirts, shorts/tracksuits from June 2023, socks, hats, senior ties, tabs, and badges.

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Forms and Documents

School Calendar

School Calendar

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School Newsletter (Due Fortnightly)

School Newsletter (Due Fortnightly)